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Si quieres conocer más sobre PHP-NUKE...
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Quieres bajar PHP-Nuke, entonces no esperes más:
- Linuxgate Italian Web Portal
- GlobalNuke.com Open!
- New server for phpnuke.org
- TheDip is born
- All Things Nuked Needs Your Files
- PHP Nuke Webring PL
- Malaysian PHP-Nukers
- PHPyp - Yellowpages Release 0.9.1b + Patch
- Top Poster - Idea for a kind of contest
- Gamer Update Powered by PHP-Nuke
- PHPNuke.ORG back online!
- dynamically generated Flashbanner (using ming)
- daily digest of your nuke site (final version)
- German Language File for Nuke 5.0Beta3
- New File_Manager and updated UPL
- DGFR Thematic for PHP-Nuke v5 beta 3
- LinuxIndonesia.com Nuked!
- PHPNuke.org update!
- MiG complete add-on
- phpNukeArchives 0.1 released
- Learning Linux site a success story.
- daily digest addon, some hacks
- phpnuke.org back online
- KodBlue B2 For PHPNuke5.0
- PHPNuke Italian Mirror
- DGFR Thematic v5b3 for PHP-Nuke 5 beta 3
- USP File Manager v1.0 and UPL v1.1
- Update on phpnuke.org
- Another pHpNuke site
- NGv1.0.0_Estonia.zip
Banners Flash
Enviado el Martes, abril 03 @ 08:49:29 PDT by NukeManContributed by: tatuin |
Me pregunto si hay alguna posibilidad de, en el administrador de Banners, poder enlazar Banners Flash. Ni siquiera lo he intentado, ya que supongo que el código está creado únicamente para imágenes.
"Banners Flash" | Login/Crear Cuenta | 0 comentarios |
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