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Quieres bajar PHP-Nuke, entonces no esperes más:
- All Things Nuked Up and Running!
- black...MYstory Gets Nuked!
- Whyte Avenue Nuked
- VarLinux.org a non-profit weblog using PHP-Nuke
- Nuke Guestbook v1.0.0.beta2 released
- www.staron.org got nuked!
- Another Nuked Site
- nukeTagIT 0.2
- PHPNuke.org is now running 5.0 code
- Beta 0.2 of Advanced Blocks released
- top poster addon, top.php hack, stats.php hack
- Nuke Guestbook v1.0.0 released!
- Promoters addon 1.5 released!
- German translation for PHP Nuke 5 beta 3
- GlobalNuke.com Open!
- UPLv1.0 for File_Manager
- FoxServ .2 BETA Apache/mySQL/PHP for Windows
- KodRed (little) Contribution
- PHPyp - Yellowpages Release 0.9.1b + Patch
- We need your addons!
- Nuke Guestbook v1.0.0 released!
- Promoters add-on v1.5 released
- GlobalNuke.com Goes Live!
- #3 @ PHP-Nuke Top100
- Portuguese translation available for Nuke Guestbook.
- FoxServ.2 BETA - Apache/mySQL/PHP for Windows
- Is there an alternative download site for php nuke?
- KodBlue b1 theme released
- UPLv1.0 for File_Manager
- 404 /themes/Linux/style/style.css
Re: PHP-Nuke en Win2000 PRO, Ayuda Urgente.. (Puntuación: 0)
por Anonymous el Wednesday, March 21 @ 18:35:33 PST
Probaste modificar el php.ini ?
En la seccion "Error handling and logging" seteando la variable display_errors a off.